Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Gibraltar   NWC GMaps
ID: 228  Voorhis Number: 191 ;   Location: Manitoba, Canada [49.8879, -97.1353] ;    Founded: 1805 , Closed: NA .

North West Co. fort built by John McDonald of Garth for the Company in 1805. McDonald in his autobiography under date 1807 (Masson's vol. 2.) says "I established a fort at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, and called it "Gibraltar," though there was not a rock or stone within three miles". It was erected on the north side of the Assiniboine river at its junction with the Red river and extended along the bank of the Red river. Was one year in building, was surrounded by a stockade of oak 12 to 15 feet high, enclosing eight houses within. It stood on or near the site of old Fort Rouge, also of Bruce and Boyer's fort 1780, of Alex. Henry's 1803 fort, and of St. Pierre's 1751 fort. Was quite near the bank of the Assiniboine river, and near the present bridge. It was the chief North West Co. fort in the interior. Was in charge of Duncan Cameron when captured by Governor Semple April 1816, by whom it was completely demolished (1816) and its material used in strengthening Fort Douglas. After the capture of Fort Gibraltar, the North West Company proceeded to build houses and stores to replace the old fort and, after the union of 1821, the Hudson's Bay Co. built the first Fort Garry on the site of Fort Gibraltar and for this reason this Fort Garry was sometimes known as Fort Gibraltar. (See Fort Garry and Winnipeg forts).

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