Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Ouatanon   Fr GMaps
ID: 497  Voorhis Number: 411 ;   Location: Indiana, United States of America [40.4065, -86.9633] ;    Founded: pre 1751 , Closed: NA .

French fort on the north side (right bank) of the upper Wabash river, about 50 miles above Vincennes. It was the first post on the Wabash and was palisaded. Was included in Bougainville's list 1757. Surrendered to the British 1761 and was captured by Pontiac 1 June 1763. Was one of the forts commanding route from lake Erie by the Maumee and Wabash rivers to the Mississippi. Shown on map No. 10, 97. The Wabash was called by the French the St. Jerome river.

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