Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort White Earth River (1)   NWC GMaps
ID: 715  Voorhis Number: 593 ;   Location: Alberta, Canada [54.064, -112.29] ;    Founded: 1810 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. and North West Co. operated adjoining forts on the north Saskatchewan river at mouth of White Earth river (112°15'W.) to which location they removed in 1810 from the mouth of Vermilion river. The site was a short distance below the present Victoria, (See Fort Vermilion (2)), and a short distance below "Mud Brook House" (Fort Augustus). Thompson visited the region in 1800. It was called also Terre Blanche, White Earth House, White Mud Brook, and Lower White Earth or Mud Fort. Shown on map No. 11.

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