Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Boisé   HBC GMaps
ID: 78  Voorhis Number: 66 ;   Location: Idaho, United States of America [43.823, -117.019] ;    Founded: 1835 , Closed: NA .

Hudson's Bay Co. fort on Snake river a few miles below Boisé river. It was built in 1835 and was stockaded. The Hudson's Bay Co. claimed indemnity from United States in 1865 for loss of this fort. See Oregon Territory. Shown on Arrowsmith map 1857 (No. 8) Its walls and bastions were of adobe brick and enclosed a number of houses &c. Three miles square around the fort was under cultivation by H. B. Co. Hostilities between U. S. and Indians 1855 caused abandonment of fort.

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