Voorhis Interactive: Posts of the Trade

Fort Machault (Machaud)   Fr GMaps
ID: 393  Voorhis Number: 329 ;   Location: Pennsylvania, United States of America [41.3861, -79.8217] ;    Founded: pre 1757 , Closed: NA .

French fort near confluence of river Au Boeuf and the Allegheny. It was included in Bougainville's list 1757. A palisaded log fort, the last entrepôt for Fort Duquesne, built by Marin for Governor Duquesne in 1753. A King's post. With other forts it commanded the route from Presqu'Ile, lake Erie, to the Ohio river. It was probably destroyed by the French when the garrison withdrew to Detroit in 1759. Rivière au Boeuf is now called French Creek. Shown on map No. 10.

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